The 2025 Program
October 26-29, 2025
Green Lake, Wisconsin
Meetings and accommodations will be in modern hotel style rooms in Bauer Lodge with buffet meals just next door in the Kraft Centre.
Find driving directions here.
Registration Opens May 1, 2015
If you registered for last year and we are carrying over your payment, we’ll be sending more details about how to re-register for this year.
Click HERE to sign up for emails about Early Bird pricing!
Conference Registration begins at 3pm on Sunday, October 26 and our first meal together is from 5-6pm with a Welcome & Introductions beginning at 7pm. We have a very special time planned together for Tuesday evening and we conclude with breakfast (7:30 – 8:30) Wednesday morning. More details will be added to the schedule as we get closer to the conference so make sure you’re on our email list!

Special Guest Speakers
Walter & Joycelyn Henderson
If you were with us in 2023, you will remember the Hendersons from our morning and afternoon panel sessions. We found Walter & Joycelyn to be both insightful and challenging - and they did it with a smile! We are delighted to have them return as our Main Session Speakers.

Leader of Worshipers
Stephanie Seefeldt
Stephanie has led worship at CareGivers Forum several times over the years. She is a gifted "on the fly" composer who always leads us in inspiring worship.
2025 Location
Green Lake, Wisconsin
Meetings and accommodations will be in modern hotel style rooms in Bauer Lodge with buffet meals just next door in the Kraft Centre.
Find more information on getting there here.

2025 Tentative Schedule
Conference registration is Sunday afternoon from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. with rooms available after 4 p.m. Activities begin with dinner 5:00-6:00 p.m. and the first meeting at 7 p.m.
Departing: We'll be having our traditional communion time together at the end of the Tuesday night session and end our gathering after breakfast on Wednesday, October 29th. We strongly encourage you, however, to stay through breakfast and even linger a bit for a few last conversations before leaving.
Please allow adequate travel time when making any flight arrangements.